Proactive:Emmerson Resources kicks off Kadungle diamond drilling as Kiola shows promising early results in golden region of NSW

November 2020

Emmerson Resources Ltd (ASX:ERM) has kicked off a 1,700-metre diamond drill program at its Kadungle project in New South Wales, to test below shallow epithermal gold mineralisation and also for deeper, porphyry-style copper-gold.

Proactive: Emmerson Resources plans new gold drilling program at Mauretania

October 2020

Emmerson Resources Ltd (ASX:ERM) managing director Rob Bills speaks to Proactive about its upcoming drill program at Mauretania Gold Project in the Northern Territorys Tennant Creek Mineral Field.

Proactive - Emmerson Resources ready to capitalise on gold exploration and emerging royalty opportunities

October 2020

Emmerson Resources Ltd (ASX:ERM) is set to capitalise on exploration and emerging royalty opportunities while remaining in a strong financial position to deliver a revised mill and mining schedule at Tennant Creek in the NT, despite the many challenges of FY2020.

Proactive - Emmerson Resources targeting high-grade gold deposits in upcoming drilling at Tennant Creek's Northern Project Area

September 2020

Emmerson Resources Ltd (ASX:ERM) is targeting high-grade gold deposits in an upcoming comprehensive exploration program across the Northern Project Area (NPA) of Tennant Creek project in the Northern Territory.

Paydirt Media Article - Emmerson Finds Royal Territory in NSW

August 2020

Stockhead- Emmerson finds high-reward, low-risk in royalty streaming model

August 2020

Emmerson Resources’ (ASX:ERM) business model may be unique among gold companies in Australia as it does not perform any mining itself at its Tennant Creek operations.

Proactive: Emmerson Resources strikes key deal for future mining at Northern Project Area at Tennant Creek

August 2020

Emmerson Resources Ltds (ASX:ERM) Rob Bills speaks with Proactive London’s Andrew Scott following its landmark deal with the traditional owners in the Northern Territory which provides an equity interest in the projects. The deal with Marnturla Aboriginal Corporation involves access for future mining at the Jasper Hills, Hermitage and Golden Slipper high-grade gold-copper-cobalt prospects within the Northern Project Area at Tennant Creek. Diamond drilling is planned once approval is given by the Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority (AAPA).

Proactive: Emmerson Resources reaches landmark agreement with traditional owners for future mining at NT projects

August 2020

Emmerson Resources Limited (ASX:ERM) has reached agreement with Marnturla Aboriginal Corporation (MAC) for future mining at Jasper Hills, Hermitage and Golden Slipper high-grade gold-copper-cobalt prospects within the Northern Project Area at Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory.

Proactive Gold Webinar

July 2020

Emmerson Resources Ltds (ASX:ERM) Rob Bills presenting at the Proactive Gold Webinar.

Proactive: Emmerson Resources' Rob Bills explains terms and intentions of its share purchase plan

July 2020

Emmerson Resources Ltds (ASX:ERM) Rob Bills speaks with Proactives Andrew Scott following the launch of its share purchase plan (SPP). The intentions to raise $1 million as part of its $4.575 million capital raising with funds to advance its gold strategy.