Mike Dunbar
BSc, P Grad Dip (Economic Geology), MAusIMM

Mr Dunbar has over 25 years' experience in exploration and mine geology in Australia and overseas. He was involved in the discovery, delineation and development of the +2Moz Thunderbox gold mine, the delineation and development of the +1Moz Dalgaranga Gold Mine, the discovery and delineation of the +1Moz Glenburgh Gold deposit and the discovery and delineation of the Waterloo/Amorac, Munali and the Mirabella Nickel Sulphide mines, the IOCG - Cloncurry Copper, Gold, Cobalt, Magnetite project as well as a number of smaller deposits. Mr Dunbar's experience includes 4 years with Eagle Mining, 6 years with LionOre Australia, 6 years with the Mitchell River group of companies including Albidon, Mirabela Nickel, African Energy, Sally Malay Mining (now Panoramic) and Exco Resources and 9 years with Gascoyne Resources. Mr Dunbar was previously Managing Director at Mamba Exploration.
Rod Wheatley
B.Bus, CPA

Mr Wheatley joined Emmerson in March 2021, he is a CPA qualified accountant with over 20 years’ experience in senior financial roles within the resources and oil and gas industry. Mr Wheatley was formerly the Chief Financial Officer of Altura Mining Limited and prior to that Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary at Avenira Limited. Mr Wheatley brings to the Company a depth of experience in financial management and corporate governance of ASX listed mining and exploration companies in both Australia and internationally.
James Dent

Received his B.Sc. (Hons) degree in Applied and Environmental Geology from University of Leicester.
Mr Dent is an Exploration Geologist with 9 years' international experience across a variety of precious and base metal systems in greenfields and near-mine environments while working for junior, mid-tier and major companies across five continents.
James brings his wealth of knowledge having explored for porphyry deposits in Chile, epithermal gold systems in Mexico and the USA, and gold and base metals in Arctic Sweden. More recently, James worked as a Senior Geologist at Newcrest's Havieron discovery in the Paterson Province of Western Australia.
Justin Hankinson
Operations Manager (appointed June 2022)
Mr Hankinson is highly experienced Operations Manager with over 40 years' experience across mining, exploration, and drilling. He has held various roles across mining and exploration companies, Barkley Regional Council and Bushfires NT, Department of Lands Resources Management. Mr Hankinson previously worked for Emmerson Resources as Operations Manager / Project Officer and as a Special Projects Consultant for the past 15 years.
Mr Hankinson has a wealth of experience and knowledge across workplace health & safety, field management and activities, surface and underground drilling, exploration and mine surveyor open cut and underground mines, rehabilitation.
With Emmerson, Mr Hankinson is responsible for the exploration program planning, preparation, surveying, rehabilitation, health safety and environment standards and obligations, management of Emmerson Tennant Creek site base and daily operations and stakeholders.