Andrew McIlwain
BE (Mining) Melb, MAusIMM
Non-Executive and Independent Chairman (appointed February 2007)

Mr McIlwain has over 35 years experience in the mining industry. He is a qualified mining engineer and throughout his career has held operational, technical, senior management and executive roles in Mount Isa Mines Limited, WMC Resources, Lafayette Mining Ltd and Unity Mining Ltd. More recently, as an independent consultant, he has worked with Oxiana, Heemskirk and Tusker Gold focusing on corporate transactions. Mr McIlwain has held Non-Executive Director positions with Tusker Gold, Verus Investments, Windy Knob Resources, Goldstone Resources and Kidman Resources Ltd and is currently the Managing Director of ASX listed Investigator Resources Ltd.
Mr McIlwain brings operational and corporate experience in a variety of fields including establishment of operational sustainability, project development and both equity and conventional debt financing. He joined Emmerson's Board in February 2007.
Mike Dunbar
BSc, P Grad Dip (Economic Geology), MAusIMM
Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer (appointed July 2023)

Mr Dunbar has over 25 years' experience in exploration and mine geology in Australia and overseas. He was involved in the discovery, delineation and development of the +2Moz Thunderbox gold mine, the delineation and development of the +1Moz Dalgaranga Gold Mine, the discovery and delineation of the +1Moz Glenburgh Gold deposit and the discovery and delineation of the Waterloo/Amorac, Munali and the Mirabella Nickel Sulphide mines, the IOCG - Cloncurry Copper, Gold, Cobalt, Magnetite project as well as a number of smaller deposits. Mr Dunbar's experience includes 4 years with Eagle Mining, 6 years with LionOre Australia, 6 years with the Mitchell River group of companies including Albidon, Mirabela Nickel, African Energy, Sally Malay Mining (now Panoramic) and Exco Resources and 9 years with Gascoyne Resources. Mr Dunbar was previously Managing Director at Mamba Exploration.
Rob Bills
Non-Executive Director (appointed June 2023)

Mr. Bills holds a Bachelor of Science degree (Monash University 1984) and a Master of Science (James Cook University 1989). He joined Emmerson Resources in September 2007 after a 25 year career in exploration and mining with Western Mining Corporation (WMC), then BHPBilliton. During his career with WMC Mr. Bills held numerous senior management positions including Senior Mine Geologist at Kambalda, Senior Research Geologist for Australasia, President Director of WMC Indonesia, Group Exploration Manager with WMC and most recently at BHPBilliton held the position of Global Commodity Specialist. Mr. Bills brings to the Company a track record of global exploration and management success including a detailed knowledge of Iron Oxide Au-Cu-U deposits and a deep understanding of the exploration business. Mr Bills was previously Managing Director and Chief Executive of Emmerson Resources Limited from September 2007 - June 2023.
Dr Allan Trench
B.Sc (Hons), Ph.D, M.Sc, MBA
Non-Executive Director (appointed March 2015)

Dr Trench is a geologist/geophysicist with extensive experience in strategy, project development and operations within the natural resource sector. Dr Trench holds degrees in Geology, a Doctorate in Geophysics, a Masters in Mineral Economics and a Masters in Business Administration. His former roles include management of nickel and gold/base metal exploration teams in the Yilgarn region of WA, initially for WMC and subsequently for a group of junior ASX listed companies. From 2002 Dr Trench worked as a business consultant for McKinsey and Company, then as a manager at KCGM Pty Ltd and Woodside Petroleum, and more lately as a consultant with the CRU Group, providing business analysis and intelligence on the global mining and metals markets. He is also a non-executive independent director of a number of Australian listed resources companies.
Alan Tate
Non-Executive Director (appointed November 2021)