Hopes build for Tennant Creek success

May 2016

Data delivers for Emmerson

April 2016

Australia Gold Investor Series 2016 - Thursday, April 28, 2016 - 2:00 PM WST

April 2016

Please register to for this free Webinar - Three standout Australian gold stories. Alkane Resources, Emmerson Resources and Gascoyne Resources are not overnight successes. Alkane, an established gold producer via the Tomingley mine in New South Wales and with a world-class zirconia project in its development pipeline, has been around for three decades. Emmerson has been intelligently and aggressively exploring the historically significant Tennant Creek mineral field in the Northern Territory for nearly 10 years. And Gascoyne, a 2009 float, is on the verge of redeveloping the Dalgaranga gold mine in Western Australia. It also has the Glenburgh project in the state, and a clear growth path to becoming a significant gold producer. These three geographically and geologically diverse gold stories currently present different parts of a hot Australian gold equity spectrum. Highly experienced company chiefs Ian Chalmers (Alkane), Rob Bills (Emmerson) and Mike Dunbar (Gascoyne) join Mining Journal group editor Richard Roberts for a timely, informative webcast that will provide valuable new insights into their respective company and project propositions, as well as the fortunes of the Australian gold sector. Dont miss this exciting new Mining Journal Investor Series presentation.

Tennant Creek - High -grade gold targets being tested

April 2016

Emmerson Resources Ltd in quest for high grade gold in Northern Territory

April 2016

Explorers return extremely high-grade gold results from first test drill in Tennant Creek, ABC Rural

March 2016

Emmerson Resources Ltd hits bonanza gold of 309g/t in drilling

March 2016

Article courtesy of Proactive Investors: http://www.proactiveinvestors.com.au/companies/news/67549/-emmerson-resources-ltd-hits-bonanza-gold-of-309gt-in-drilling-67549.html

Exploration is Emmerson's game, Gold Mining Journal, January - March 2016

January 2016

Article courtesy of Gold Mining Journal. To subscribe to Gold Mining Journal please follow the prompts at https://www.paydirt.com.au/subscriptions/

Emmerson Resources major shareholder snaps up further shares.

January 2016

New ideas about Tennant Creek help Emmerson make high-grade discovery, Greenfieldexplorer.com

December 2015

Article courtesy of Greenfieldexplorer.com. To subscribe to Greenfieldexplorer.com please follow the prompts at http://www.greenfieldexplorer.com/subscriptions/